29 March 2008

Stole this

Very inspirational

Im obsessed with Bikrahm Yoga

But i think I need Shock therapy to quit smoking looseys

Allison Hannigan is Fucking the FCC

Seriously though?? SERIOUSLY?? im a tad amused to see what type of people we got deciding what should or should not be shown/seen in the media. I bet irrational people like this love George Dubble-ya.

I continuosly hate

But I like this shizz

27 March 2008

I dont know exactly how I feel about this situation

Apparently EVERYONE on the face of this green earth has known about this but I of course, i go to google maps earlier, hit the satellite button and boom! im amazed. The worlds comin to a fuckin end. And you can zoom and shit, and see actual pictures of the address your looking for. NUTS. Peep my block in the bronx

and the school across from my crib in chi

Mr. Preggers

A man who used to be a woman before having gender reassignment surgery claims he is five months pregnant and expecting a baby girl in July.

Thomas Beatie, who is married and from the US state of Oregon, has written an article in the gay magazine Advocate, saying it feels "incredible" to be a "pregnant man". He adds: "Despite the fact that my belly is growing with a new life inside me, I am stable and confident being the man that I am."

Born Tracy Lagondino, Mr Beatie kept his female organs when he changed genders. He turned to home insemination after what he says was discrimination from doctors. He says he is carrying a child on behalf of his wife, Nancy, because she has had a hysterectomy. The couple have been together for 10 years.

"Doctors have discriminated against us, turning us away due to their religious beliefs," Mr Beatie explained in the article.

"Healthcare professionals have refused to call me by a male pronoun or recognise Nancy as my wife. Receptionists have laughed at us. Friends and family have been unsupportive; most of Nancy's family doesn't even know I'm transgender," he added. "Sterilisation is not a requirement for sex reassignment, so I decided to have chest reconstruction and testosterone therapy but kept my reproductive rights," he said. "Wanting to have a biological child is neither a male nor female desire but a human desire."

The couple, who manage a custom screen-printing business in the town of Bend, lived a normal life "until we decided that I would carry our child," Mr Beatie wrote. A previous insemination ended in a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy with triplets, requiring surgery, resulting in the loss of all his embryos and his right fallopian tube.

"I will be my daughter's father, and Nancy will be her mother. We will be a family," Mr Beatie wrote. Advocate says it has confirmed with Mr Beatie's doctors that he is indeed pregnant.

AWESOME speech

But peep how B-rock says thank you 10 times in the beginning. ahahahahahah. Me n my roomate's homeboy found it impossible to cease from cracking up

21 March 2008

Mizz Life

I am MISERABLE. Its the first day of young spring time with 6 inches of snow. Im broke as hell and I got a final notice for my gas bill. I ran out of Newports. Im homesick like a mother fucker. Im missing carnival for the first time in 4 years and i cant find a fucking job.


15 March 2008

When two of my worlds meet

My boys from GFCNY linked up with my boys here in chitown this is what happens.

14 March 2008

Go All out

9th Wonder, Buck shot an ol Charly Murph. feaattuurriiinnn that young Frank151 new era ;)

05 March 2008

Goooo B-rod!

My girl Bridget Kelly was featured on perezhilton.com with her song 'do it' she doin it big go boo!

you can peep her shit at

03 March 2008

The Whites

Im a tad in love with who ever came up with this website concept.


just go. quickly.

Terry Richardson X Tron Jankens

I peeped this on hypebeast, I had just been talking about Terry Richardson all day and saw some photos of his exhibit in Collete for SUPREME in Paris... My boy Ty is featured in a bunch of em and they turned out pretty dope.

I feel like I'd be caught in this situation


In very sad news the four year old daughter of rapper Juvenile was murdered after her 17 year old brother, Anthony Tyrone Terrell Jr, allegedly gunned down his own mother (Joy Deleston), and his two younger sisters, Micaiah, 11, and Jelani, 4 at their home in Lawrenceville, outside Atlanta.
The Cash Money rapper, real name Terius Gray was confirmed as Jelani's father in 2003 after a DNA test, and is said to be "devastated".
The bodies were found on Thursday (Feb. 28) and Anthony Tyrone Terrell Jr was arrested on Friday (Feb. 29), charged with the deaths.
To avoid conflicts and complications, Terrell is being held in DeKalb County jail as his mother Joy Deleston worked for Gwinnett County as a sheriff’s deputy.

Not Bad For a Girl

Im not one to really post fashion shit like that, trends die and i usually want the people who obsess over them to also (haha). But you know everyone likes a lil tight gear here and there.. another thing that makes me want to implode usually are female based streetwear brands.. their usually weak and for dumb bitches that spend their entirety on trying to prove themselves to guys by wearing an excessively tight pink t-shirt poss with a picture of a gun or set of brass knuckles to validate its street-ness and show you that these hoes mean business, when they usually spend their days talking shit about their friends and trying to steal their mans. BUT. There are a few and I mean FEW brands that I come across that me-likes. I usually like alot of the New york based female brands.... I found this one today probably also still late in the game as I always am... and I think their pretty tight.
London based female brand Not Bad for a Girl... they've got some New Era's & some cute baggy cut n sewn hoodies. I feels.

Check their shit out at www.notbadforagirl.com

02 March 2008

Missy Elliot is the queen

No really though. If I was in to scary garbage bag wearin weight fluctuating scary mc scary women in adiddas shell tops I would totally hit it. Cus the bitch STILL got it. I just saw her new video for the first time... prob MAD late in the game but nevertheless she's the queen of great off the wall videos thats still hood enough that you grasp and appreciate as your own. She's like the female Busta Rhymes, and for the ladies out there im sure you can relate when I state that every one of us have wanted to pull on Bussa Buss'es dreads and Bussa Buss all over his....well point is Missys great.

I want to mate with this man